Website Wheelchair Check was launched at the beginning of 2024. On this website, wheelchair users can find the Wheelchair Assessment tool (Wheelchair Check) in English, German and Spanish.
The tool is designed to identify and prevent issues related to sitting and rolling in the electric or manual wheelchair. The generated report can be downloaded and provides valuable insights, aiding in the resolution of wheelchair-related (health) problems. You can discuss the findings with your wheelchair supplier and occupational or physical therapist.
Wheelchair Check originated from this website: Checkjezit. The Dutch website contains more information.
Why Checkjezit?
As a wheelchair user it can be challenging to access objective information regarding the suitability of the seating and maneuvering characteristics, as well as the interface of the wheelchair.
Take a look at the additional checklists that may help to ensure an optimal wheelchair provision. The short movies with advise from other experienced wheelchair users can be useful, also for recognition of wheelchair-related problems and possible solutions.